This is the last installment in our 3 part series “Do You Know Who You’re Selling To?” and last week I promised I would share one more website that will give you an enormous amount of insight into who your customer is.
The site is http://Alexa.com.
We’ll do the same thing we did at Quantcast, we’ll put the URL of the forum we visited (skincaretalk.com) into the search box on the Alexa site and click the green icon on the right.
The next page just confirms the site we’re looking at, but even this page gives us some information. The site has an Alexa rank of
57,169, which lets us know it probably gets an enormous amount of traffic to be ranking that high in Alexa.
It also shows there are 410 sites linking to the forum. It lists a few keywords, and if you click on any of them, there is additional information available about that specific keyword.
But what we want to do is to click the “Get Details” button.
On the next page is where the real information begins. Across the top you’ll see tabs you can click to view the different areas of information available. You can also compare the site you’re researching with 4 other sites, simply by filling in additional URLs in the boxes at the bottom.
For our purposes, we want to click on the “Audience” tab at the top.
The Audience Demographics page has a wealth of information about the people who visit skincaretalk.com.
Starting at the top of the page, there’s a short summary about the site’s statistics, including the top cities the traffic originates from.
But the chart below that summary is where we learn the most about the potential customers we find at skincaretalk.com.
The person we’re wanting to market to is between 18 and 34 years of age, is female and probably doesn’t have children. She’s likely browsing the Internet at home and either been to college or has a college degree.
Beneath the chart you can also click on the income and ethnicity tabs to reveal those statistics. Our female customers earn over $60,000 a year, with most of them earning over $100,000 per year.
Clicking on the ethnicity tab shows our audience consists primarily of African American and Caucasian women.
At the bottom of Advanced Demographics chart, you’ll again see the boxes you can use to compare the demographics between sites.
Using the information from the two sites we visited, you should be able to put together a fairly clear mental image of who you’re selling to.
Knowing who your customer is and finding out as much as you can about their life, the hopes and dreams they have, the issues they face, and the places they visit online, gives you an edge over the bulk of your competition, who just won’t put forth the effort to do it.
The more you know about your customer, the better you can relate to them in a way they’ll understand and appreciate.
If that seems like a lot of work, it’s because…well, it *is* a lot of work. Which is why most people simply won’t do it. But there’s a really cool shortcut.
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